Bonfire Night
Tuesday 5th NovemberFireworks, bbq and drinks.Always a good night please join us
Tuesday 5th NovemberFireworks, bbq and drinks.Always a good night please join us
Dennis is here singing in our Garden onMonday 5th August at 2:30
The perfect weather to sit out in the garden and enjoy a delicious BBQ.We'll be cooking some yummy food this Thursday.
The seaside trips was a great success. Fish and chips over looking the sea and ice creams. Great day.Yesterday Mick sang in the garden.Great entertainment and lunch alfresco.
Mick will be entertaining us for a garden party lunch. On Friday 12th July 2013 from midday. Lets hope the sun shines
We enjoyed a day out on Southend sea front today..lovely fish and chips enjoyed by all. Another outing tomorrow, different residents but hopefully just as much fun.
This Wednesday 19th JuneJackie is visiting the home to entertain us. Afternoon party
Summer is here (kind of)Eastbrook House will be going to the seaside for fish and chips and some fun, rain or shine.Dates to put in your calander areWednesday 26th JuneandThursday 27th June
This month Elsie is celebrating her 90th birthday.On Wednesday 23rd January, we have a big party planned.Bill is here singing from 3:45pm and all her family from far and wide are coming.It's a surprise, ssshhhh!